The right people.....

The first ingredient in the recipe for success is bringing together the right people . We have found this to be true of companies, projects, teams; anywhere where a challenge is being met. The right people must possess not only the required "skills" for their role but also the right "wills". The most talented, smart and gifted individual isn't always the right person. Skills by themselves don't guarantee success. Someone must also possess the right "will", also known as commitment or work ethic, to do what is required of them. In fact, if forced to choose between skill and will, we will generally go with will, since skills can be learned.

...doing the right things....

Once the right people have been identified, we need to make sure that they are doing the right things. By this we mean that the processes and work-flows that we are using, or that we are recommending our clients adopt, are necessary, efficient and appropriate. One of the strengths we bring to our clients during engagements, is the ability to review a business existing processes and quickly identify opportunities for improvements, potential control concerns and mismatches between what needs to be accomplished and the person who is currently responsible for it.

...using the right tools!

The final piece refers to the "tools" that are being used. These can be something as basic as a Cash Flow model or as advanced as a multivariate pricing models / Monte Carlo Analyses. The tools and systems that an organization uses in its operations can have a profound impact on both the level of effort that is required and the quality of the results. Something as simple as migrating a client to a new General Ledger or Payroll system can provide immediate results in terms of how much time is expended providing these "back office" functions.